
Roberto Aníbal Bobrow (a.k.a. Bob Row) was born in 1953 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he currently lives.

Between 1977-1980 he resided in Israel with a scholarship in History awarded by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. During this period, he started his cartoonist career as contributor to the newspaper Maariv and the weekly Tiempo of Tel Aviv. Soon after , he was hired by the newspaper Davar for the position of editorial cartoonist.

Back in Buenos Aires he joined the Jewish weekly Nueva Presencia and The Buenos Aires Herald daily (at the time the sole two media openly opposed to the military Junta dictatorship).

At The Herald he put together a caricature portfolio of the most important characters of the local and international scenario as well as the Local Politics section editorial cartoon for 17 years.

He also contributed cover-page and insert-section cartoons for various institutional papers and magazines (American Chamber of Commerce, Automotive Chamber of Commerce, etc.)

Since 1986 to the present he has contributed drawings to the Op-Ed page of the Patagonian daily Río Negro and published his own articles on political and social issues on a regular basis.

In 1997 he quit The Herald and joined Perfil daily as a weekly columnist. Later he joined its Multimedia and Collectibles department, a position he held until 2003.

Currently, he continues to work at Río negro and as a freelance cartoonist.

Contact: roberto.bobrow(at)gmail.com