Browsing All posts tagged under »Economy«

Trump’s Trade Wars

October 25, 2018


Since the end of the Cold War there is a big quest for a replacement to the “Spectre of Communism” as a stimulus to the economy. Speculative investment in “dot coms”or real sate showed its limits with great bursts. Globalization became good for the financial capìtal but not so for an industrial infraestructure less competitive. […]

Marx return from the future

July 22, 2015


Yanis Varoufakis recounts how the “repugnant” european crisis drove him to become an “erratic marxist”. At a time when neoliberals have ensnared the majority in their theoretical tentacles, regurgitating incessantly the ideology of enhancing labour productivity in an effort to enhance competitiveness with a view to creating ‘growth’ etc., Marx’s analysis offers a powerful antidote. […]

Jobs’ jobs without Apple

October 19, 2011


What would be Steve Jobs’ fate after dropping from college in other time or place? I’m not trying to diminish Jobs’ personality ignoring his strong character, ingenuity, creativity or any other of his virtues abundantly praised after his death. Not even I’m trying to conceal his Darwinian adaptation to the capitalistic wild rules: kill or […]