Browsing All posts tagged under »Rajoy«

Spy vs Spy

November 14, 2013


The Snowden case picked up last month around the “outrageous” scandal of NSA’s wiretapping of friends and allies. As Nancy Becar of AP points out, there’s not a sacred ground to the intelligence business.  Not even between best friends, as Niccolo Machiavelli made it clear many centuries ago. True, moral outrage and public hypocrisy is […]

Will Spain melt in the air?

October 23, 2012


A specter is haunting Europe -the specter of regional nationalism. Be it in Scotland, Catalonia, the Basque country, Flanders or Padana (north of Italy), regional nationalism aroused with the unending crisis. But unlike the old popular nationalism of the XIX century, when lesser people were oppressed by great empires, kept in poverty and their languages forbidden, […]

Rajoy tightens Spain’s belt

July 23, 2012


This is funny (sort of): Socialist opposition leader Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba accused the government of acting as a puppet to Brussels with so much belt-tightening at a time when so many people in Spain are out of work. Who would believe that Perez Rubalcaba was the government a few months ago and walked in the […]