Browsing All posts tagged under »crisis«

Belated tribute to Bernie Sanders

June 9, 2016


So this seems to be the end of the road for Bernie. It went much further than assumed by most “serious” analysts and gave a shock to the “responsible” Democrats. Now that the candidacy of Hillary is secured, the system still has a task to complete: to prevent the juvenile social base mobilized following the […]

Heaven or Hell

April 9, 2016


The “Panama Papers” affair seems to become an unexpected letdown for its promoters. While they initially highlighted the presence of “unfriendly” politicians of the like of Russia’s Putin and Argentina’s Cristina Fernandez, their names turned to be loosely  involved through other individuals. Instead,  it happen to be found other names as owners of secret offshore […]

E.U. and Mercosur hardships

March 6, 2016


Illustration for a leading article (in Spanish) about the present state of the two blocks. While the South American one (Argentina’s Macri and Brazil’s Rousseff in the bottom line) try to overcome falling prices of commodities that are their main exports, they don’t look at their European counterpart as a model. The European Union has […]

Marx return from the future

July 22, 2015


Yanis Varoufakis recounts how the “repugnant” european crisis drove him to become an “erratic marxist”. At a time when neoliberals have ensnared the majority in their theoretical tentacles, regurgitating incessantly the ideology of enhancing labour productivity in an effort to enhance competitiveness with a view to creating ‘growth’ etc., Marx’s analysis offers a powerful antidote. […]

Romney, Obama “ready to rumble”

November 1, 2012


OK, people. Cast your vote for all of us in the Rest of the World and enjoy the next four years! (We are comfy this way, while you don’t pay too much attention to us, here down south).

Will Spain melt in the air?

October 23, 2012


A specter is haunting Europe -the specter of regional nationalism. Be it in Scotland, Catalonia, the Basque country, Flanders or Padana (north of Italy), regional nationalism aroused with the unending crisis. But unlike the old popular nationalism of the XIX century, when lesser people were oppressed by great empires, kept in poverty and their languages forbidden, […]

Rajoy tightens Spain’s belt

July 23, 2012


This is funny (sort of): Socialist opposition leader Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba accused the government of acting as a puppet to Brussels with so much belt-tightening at a time when so many people in Spain are out of work. Who would believe that Perez Rubalcaba was the government a few months ago and walked in the […]

Haarde avoids hanging

April 24, 2012


Former Icelandic Prime Minister, Geir Haarde, can breathe at last. The court found him guilty of a minor charge while clearing him from others that could have mean up to two years in jail. So, the judges lost the chance to send a strong message to the world: business should be subservient to people and […]

Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will

December 31, 2011


Time to close another year. As I never was good at doing inventories of everything that happen to balance, I’ll just take one significant occurrence. If something, 2011 was the year of “the People occupying the Public Square”; Time magazine was right, for once. In Tunisia, in Egypt, in Israel, in Europe and in the […]

USA, Latin America and the End of Globalization

December 22, 2011


Two decades ago, when the Soviet Union imploded, the prevalent opinion in the press as well as in the Academy, was that time had arrived for a unified or “globalized” world. In tune with this spirit, a series of “global” forums and institutions turned to become a regular feature. Some of them (like the World […]

Obama heads on to the Pacific exit door

November 25, 2011


As the events in the East side of the Atlantic show no sign of recovery from the crisis in the short-term, Obama recalls his Hawaiian roots and  a rediscovered Pacific vocation. So, he gathered some of the countries with shores in the great ocean for a conference in his natal island, and then started the usual “good […]

The Hope is gone, but OWS is coming

November 17, 2011


When I was asked to illustrate an article about the problems faced by Obama that render him overwhelmed I couldn’t help it but remembered the Time magazine’s cover that shocked me out back in 1978: A few days later, as I started reading a longtime procrastinated book by Harold Bloom (Omen of Millennium, translated into […]

#Argentinesuccess concealed by Wall Street

October 25, 2011


Argentina’s incumbent President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner re-election by a landslide 54,4% sends a message to other politicians: “bail the people instead of the banks; in the end, it pays better on the ballots”. This is a message that the Big Media aren’t eager to spread, but the whisper has started to jump over the […]

Jobs’ jobs without Apple

October 19, 2011


What would be Steve Jobs’ fate after dropping from college in other time or place? I’m not trying to diminish Jobs’ personality ignoring his strong character, ingenuity, creativity or any other of his virtues abundantly praised after his death. Not even I’m trying to conceal his Darwinian adaptation to the capitalistic wild rules: kill or […]

9/11 “lemming syndrome”

September 11, 2011


After the 9/11 attacks, the hysteria for retaliation led the American people into the abyss of unending war, lost of civil liberties, moral debacle, monstrous debt and economic chaos. Bin Laden couldn’t dream of a biggest success. I’m not arguing here with the “truth” about who actually was the mastermind behind the attacks. I’m answering […]