Browsing All posts tagged under »Lula«

The times they are a-changing

January 5, 2011


  Some  of the 2010 developments which Andrés Oppenheimer thinks are shaping the coming years. Asiatic students ranked high in standardized tests, announcing a possible future leadership in innovation. While Brazil became a star as an emergent economy, its diplomacy showed an “alarming” independence towards such “pariah” states like Iran. Finally, the prosecution of Julian […]

Lula’s Brazil is on the rise, but…

September 30, 2010


Brazil’s momentum under incumbent president Lula Da Silva feeds the dreams to become a major international player in a short time. Oppenheimer warns of the need to be humble about the long way to travel in education and science fields to turn the dreams actual facts. He  stress the “constructive paranoia” of China and India […]

Latin American arms spending on the rise

June 28, 2009


Research institutions have been sensing a steady rise in the military spending in some Latin American countries for the last years. While Colombia is the only one with an actual warfare against longstanding guerrillas -subsided in part by USA backing and radars- others make large investments without any conflict in sight. At least, Venezuela’s invasion […]

Brazil-USA: partners or else

March 21, 2009


Andres Oppenheimer (Miami Herald) says that Brazil will replace Mexico as the main patrner for Obama in Latin America. There are fields of shared interests, like energy (Brazil has an edge in bio-fuels). But Brazil social injustice is as problematic as Mexico’s and crime gangs proved to be too strong for a widely corrupt security […]