Browsing All posts tagged under »NSA«

Snowden, from villain to heroe?

January 3, 2014


The New York Times  (in an Editorial column, no less) says Edward Snowden “has done his country a great service”. The so-called father of the WWW, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, also praises Mr. Snowden’s whistleblowing “has become an important part of the effort to protect the Internet and his concept of the open Web.”

Spy vs Spy

November 14, 2013


The Snowden case picked up last month around the “outrageous” scandal of NSA’s wiretapping of friends and allies. As Nancy Becar of AP points out, there’s not a sacred ground to the intelligence business.  Not even between best friends, as Niccolo Machiavelli made it clear many centuries ago. True, moral outrage and public hypocrisy is […]

Snowden’s orwellian nightmare

August 14, 2013


In the last New York Review, James Bamford notes that the sales of “1984”, the classic dystopian novel by George Orwell, soared within days after Edward Snowden handed the NSA documents to the public. It seems that the implications of a policial State were immediately clear for its citizens. But Bamford himself tries to cool […]