Browsing All posts tagged under »news«

Santos wins Nobel, rejected at home

October 7, 2016


Not always the Nobel committee chose the right guy for its Peace Prize as in this case. A member of the Colombian upper-class, Juan Manuel Santos showed the guts to betray his former mates and bet for the peace in a complex and patient negotiation with the largest guerrilla organization after more than 50 years […]

Belated tribute to Bernie Sanders

June 9, 2016


So this seems to be the end of the road for Bernie. It went much further than assumed by most “serious” analysts and gave a shock to the “responsible” Democrats. Now that the candidacy of Hillary is secured, the system still has a task to complete: to prevent the juvenile social base mobilized following the […]

Heaven or Hell

April 9, 2016


The “Panama Papers” affair seems to become an unexpected letdown for its promoters. While they initially highlighted the presence of “unfriendly” politicians of the like of Russia’s Putin and Argentina’s Cristina Fernandez, their names turned to be loosely  involved through other individuals. Instead,  it happen to be found other names as owners of secret offshore […]

E.U. and Mercosur hardships

March 6, 2016


Illustration for a leading article (in Spanish) about the present state of the two blocks. While the South American one (Argentina’s Macri and Brazil’s Rousseff in the bottom line) try to overcome falling prices of commodities that are their main exports, they don’t look at their European counterpart as a model. The European Union has […]

Thank you Mr. Carter

August 22, 2015


The news regarding James Carter’s health seems to show his politeness right to the end, giving the journalists the chance to arrange his obituary in advance. Republicans as well as a good chunk of the press indulge themselves in naming his term in office as the worst they can remember. As usual, they choose to […]

Donald Trump show the state of politics

July 4, 2015


Miami Herald’s Andres Oppenheimer seems to be outraged by the lack of outrage among Trump’s fellow Republicans after his absurd tirade against immigrants from Mexico. I have no doubt about Andres’ sincerity in his indignation with the passive reception given to the clown’s racist outbursts and, worse than that, his rising popularity. What I doubt […]

Sepp Blatter

June 3, 2015


Getting ready for the magazine’s cover.

Francis, Karekin II and the Armenian genocide

April 17, 2015


Approaching the centennial of the first genocide of the Twentieth Century (which set the path for the subsequent ones) Turkey still refuses to acknowledge its responsibility, and for good reasons: there’s a claim for reparations by the victim’s relatives. If the Western nations were reluctant to press  Turkey for geopolitical reasons while there was a […]

Obama meets Castro

April 12, 2015


Charlie Hebdo and the End of History

January 10, 2015


In the wake of the shocking murders in Paris I was requested to write an article and an illustration for the Rio Negro daily. So, I called my beloved Escher to help me with such a task. Here is a translation of the last paragraphs I wrote: And it’s hard to consider the effects of […]

Defrosted Tango!

December 21, 2014


A last minute interpretation of the fall of the other invisible Wall of the Cold War era.

The Washington paradox

November 21, 2014


Here’s the biggest irony of Tuesday’s mid-term elections: the U.S. government will continue demanding that Mexico, Colombia and other countries fight the marijuana trade as part of its “war on drugs,” while Washington voters have just approved making pot legal in the U.S. capital. I’d add to another irony: as fewer people goes to ballots […]

Snowden, from villain to heroe?

January 3, 2014


The New York Times  (in an Editorial column, no less) says Edward Snowden “has done his country a great service”. The so-called father of the WWW, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, also praises Mr. Snowden’s whistleblowing “has become an important part of the effort to protect the Internet and his concept of the open Web.”

Oscar Arias got his arms bill

April 7, 2013


Maybe a UN treaty will be as ineffective as a Vatican homily to curb arms sales. But, even in a symbolic way it is good news; or is it?

Putin’s media censorship

February 24, 2012


I know this is hardly fresh news, as it was distributed by agencies in December. But I had to illustrate its Spanish translation a lot later. I find interesting to link the efforts by Russian bloggers to overcome TV censorship trough the Net with other reports about the government hiring hackers and trolls aiming to […]