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Thank you Mr. Carter

August 22, 2015


The news regarding James Carter’s health seems to show his politeness right to the end, giving the journalists the chance to arrange his obituary in advance. Republicans as well as a good chunk of the press indulge themselves in naming his term in office as the worst they can remember. As usual, they choose to […]

Einstein’s tour to South America

May 19, 2015


Ninety years ago, between March and April, 1925, Albert Einstein spent four weeks in Argentina and then another one in Uruguay and Brazil. This article (in Spanish) recall his journey here and the hectic schedule he would achieve. He was received like a “rock star” and gave a lot of conferences trying to explain his […]

Snowden, from villain to heroe?

January 3, 2014


The New York Times  (in an Editorial column, no less) says Edward Snowden “has done his country a great service”. The so-called father of the WWW, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, also praises Mr. Snowden’s whistleblowing “has become an important part of the effort to protect the Internet and his concept of the open Web.”

Christopher Hitchens and the “New Atheism”

December 18, 2011


The death of Hitchens stirred a handful of pro and con commentaries, which suits well the style of his own interventions in political and cultural matters. Two of his traits seem to gather coincidence: the quality of his English writing (which I’m not able to judge) and the integrity  of his adherence to his atheism […]

Jobs’ jobs without Apple

October 19, 2011


What would be Steve Jobs’ fate after dropping from college in other time or place? I’m not trying to diminish Jobs’ personality ignoring his strong character, ingenuity, creativity or any other of his virtues abundantly praised after his death. Not even I’m trying to conceal his Darwinian adaptation to the capitalistic wild rules: kill or […]

9/11 “lemming syndrome”

September 11, 2011


After the 9/11 attacks, the hysteria for retaliation led the American people into the abyss of unending war, lost of civil liberties, moral debacle, monstrous debt and economic chaos. Bin Laden couldn’t dream of a biggest success. I’m not arguing here with the “truth” about who actually was the mastermind behind the attacks. I’m answering […]

The times they are a-changing

January 5, 2011


  Some  of the 2010 developments which Andrés Oppenheimer thinks are shaping the coming years. Asiatic students ranked high in standardized tests, announcing a possible future leadership in innovation. While Brazil became a star as an emergent economy, its diplomacy showed an “alarming” independence towards such “pariah” states like Iran. Finally, the prosecution of Julian […]

Lula’s Brazil is on the rise, but…

September 30, 2010


Brazil’s momentum under incumbent president Lula Da Silva feeds the dreams to become a major international player in a short time. Oppenheimer warns of the need to be humble about the long way to travel in education and science fields to turn the dreams actual facts. He  stress the “constructive paranoia” of China and India […]

Grigori Perelman, misfit genius?

June 7, 2010


Since the dramatic John Nash’s history got filmed in “A beautiful mind”, the topic of the “misfit genius” became one of the preferred by the mass media. And the disconcerting Russian mathematician Perelman fits the mould. After a a precocious ascendent career in Europe and USA, he  turned down some unique academic offers in 1995 […]

Einstein, Russell and the Doomsday of Capitalism

May 25, 2010


After the Hiroshima and Nagasaki destruction, a group of scientists felt the responsibility to warn the public about the  impending peril of a nuclear holocaust. Since 1947, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists bears on its front page a “Doomsday Clock” which marks the changing status of the Humanity’s proximity to a global disaster.Then, in […]

Morgenthau unveils the new “axis”

September 25, 2009


Mr. Robert Morgenthau  has revealed himself as the new American super-hero. He exerted his penetrating insight powers to foresee hidden facilities in Venezuela’s remote places where the still non-existing Iranian weapons of mass destruction are going to be stored. No probe, no evidences but, does anybody doubts he knows what is he talking about? It […]

Is Stiglitz rokin’ or what?

August 21, 2009


Conservative pubishers got a problem with Joseph Stiglitz. As his weight as a mainstream economist is too heavy to just throw him apart (he chairs the United Nations “Comission of Experts on reforms of the international monetary and financial system”) the new tactics seems to be misrepresent his words, so to round his uncomfortable sharp […]

Two Cultures, Three or just One?

August 19, 2009


This year marks the 50th anniversary of the conference by C.P. Snow on ‘The Two Cultures “, the one in which he complained about the hegemony of the “Literary Culture” upon the “Scientific-Empirical Culture”. Since then, there are still those who keep on dreaming with the day in which the scientists replace the politicians. Others, […]

Benedict XVI, the Love master

August 16, 2009


Don’t you love when somebody gives lessons about something he voluntary vowed to ignore about? Catholics are starting to get filled up with his detachment from real dramatic issues. This illustration was done in the middle of a violent attack by an Argentine Bishop (Msgr. Aguer) against a set of instructions issued by the Education […]

Otto Solbrig: got some Glyphosate?

June 21, 2009


An ongoing argument in the scientific community in Argentina shows how the Market-oriented agriculture may affect Public Health and the entire political system. A study with amphibian embryos suggested the dangerous toxicity of Glyphosate employed extensively against weeds to maximize genetically modified soybean crops.  Dr. Otto Solbrig (a well-established biologist, Harvard emeritus) contends that laboratory […]