Browsing All posts tagged under »Zionism«

Einstein’s tour to South America

May 19, 2015


Ninety years ago, between March and April, 1925, Albert Einstein spent four weeks in Argentina and then another one in Uruguay and Brazil. This article (in Spanish) recall his journey here and the hectic schedule he would achieve. He was received like a “rock star” and gave a lot of conferences trying to explain his […]

Jews, Zionism and conspiracy theories

July 15, 2011


Sergio Bergman (2nd from right) is an Argentine rabbi of frequent media appearances who associated himself with local center-right politicians. He endorsed the movement headed by Mr. Blumberg (who’s son died when kidnapped) for “security” against marginalized youngsters. Then organized an NGO to raise money from wealthy Jews and contend in the community elections. Last […]

Lieberman, the Hell’s envoy

August 5, 2009


Recently, Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, has been touring four Latin American countries: Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Colombia. He traveled there together with a retinue of Israeli businessmen. The claimed aim was to strength commercial ties with the region and to counterbalance the increasing presence  by Iran in some countries. According to Andres Oppenheimer, the […]