Browsing All posts tagged under »class-struggle«

Belated tribute to Bernie Sanders

June 9, 2016


So this seems to be the end of the road for Bernie. It went much further than assumed by most “serious” analysts and gave a shock to the “responsible” Democrats. Now that the candidacy of Hillary is secured, the system still has a task to complete: to prevent the juvenile social base mobilized following the […]

Marx return from the future

July 22, 2015


Yanis Varoufakis recounts how the “repugnant” european crisis drove him to become an “erratic marxist”. At a time when neoliberals have ensnared the majority in their theoretical tentacles, regurgitating incessantly the ideology of enhancing labour productivity in an effort to enhance competitiveness with a view to creating ‘growth’ etc., Marx’s analysis offers a powerful antidote. […]

Charlie Hebdo and the End of History

January 10, 2015


In the wake of the shocking murders in Paris I was requested to write an article and an illustration for the Rio Negro daily. So, I called my beloved Escher to help me with such a task. Here is a translation of the last paragraphs I wrote: And it’s hard to consider the effects of […]

The Washington paradox

November 21, 2014


Here’s the biggest irony of Tuesday’s mid-term elections: the U.S. government will continue demanding that Mexico, Colombia and other countries fight the marijuana trade as part of its “war on drugs,” while Washington voters have just approved making pot legal in the U.S. capital. I’d add to another irony: as fewer people goes to ballots […]

Amigo Mitt!

June 22, 2012


Mitt Romney address to the Latino community sounds like a used candy wrapped into a new bundle of void words as he has nothing to offer to immigrant workers deprived of their human rights. Three weeks ago the Miami Herald’s columnist Andrés Oppenheimer (who came from Argentina) advanced his skepticism in regards to Romney’s efforts, […]

Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will

December 31, 2011


Time to close another year. As I never was good at doing inventories of everything that happen to balance, I’ll just take one significant occurrence. If something, 2011 was the year of “the People occupying the Public Square”; Time magazine was right, for once. In Tunisia, in Egypt, in Israel, in Europe and in the […]

Michael Moore by Democracy Now!

July 21, 2010


Some days ago I found this interview by Amy Goodman and felt moved by Moore’s early life story. There’s a feeling of REALITY in it I don’t always feel in the radical and leftist American press. You can’t help it but to feel moved when he tells why and how started to make films. It’s […]

Of myths, heroes and sports

May 28, 2010


Note: This translated version of the originally published in Spanish by the “Rio Negro” daily of Argentina was slightly adapted for non Argentinean readers. The last paragraph became edited for “space needs” and added here. The Media turned the athletes into the mythical heroes of our time, displacing the Great Men with which the secular […]