Browsing All posts tagged under »Health«

Otto Solbrig: got some Glyphosate?

June 21, 2009


An ongoing argument in the scientific community in Argentina shows how the Market-oriented agriculture may affect Public Health and the entire political system. A study with amphibian embryos suggested the dangerous toxicity of Glyphosate employed extensively against weeds to maximize genetically modified soybean crops.  Dr. Otto Solbrig (a well-established biologist, Harvard emeritus) contends that laboratory […]

Swine flu, health and profits

May 3, 2009


Click to enlarge While the swine flu is showing up to be less a real danger of pandemic than a media induced hysteria, some people concerns turns to the economic consequences for both Mexico and the US. But it seems there’ll be winers too: Winners could include drug makers such as Gilead Sciences, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, […]