Browsing All posts tagged under »geopolitics«

Defrosted Tango!

December 21, 2014


A last minute interpretation of the fall of the other invisible Wall of the Cold War era.

Ahmadinejad’s tour and Clinton’s half-truths

January 10, 2012


In the board game of Geopolitics there are always two sides playing. Or more, obviously. What is not so obvious is that reputed political analysts sometimes are just re-writing the guidelines provided by just only one of the players. This is what I thought of the brief Andres Oppenheimer’s piece I had to illustrate for […]

China’s “Subtle Power”

September 20, 2011


Joseph Nye’s notion of “soft power” as  a complement to military “hard power”  has brought confidence to American strategists in their ability to attract and influence the best intelligences of the world. Now, after a decade of focusing in the “war on terror” and its disastrous economic and social showing, it’s time to take notice […]