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Trump’s Trade Wars

October 25, 2018


Since the end of the Cold War there is a big quest for a replacement to the “Spectre of Communism” as a stimulus to the economy. Speculative investment in “dot coms”or real sate showed its limits with great bursts. Globalization became good for the financial capìtal but not so for an industrial infraestructure less competitive. […]

Belated tribute to Bernie Sanders

June 9, 2016


So this seems to be the end of the road for Bernie. It went much further than assumed by most “serious” analysts and gave a shock to the “responsible” Democrats. Now that the candidacy of Hillary is secured, the system still has a task to complete: to prevent the juvenile social base mobilized following the […]

Heaven or Hell

April 9, 2016


The “Panama Papers” affair seems to become an unexpected letdown for its promoters. While they initially highlighted the presence of “unfriendly” politicians of the like of Russia’s Putin and Argentina’s Cristina Fernandez, their names turned to be loosely  involved through other individuals. Instead,  it happen to be found other names as owners of secret offshore […]

Thank you Mr. Carter

August 22, 2015


The news regarding James Carter’s health seems to show his politeness right to the end, giving the journalists the chance to arrange his obituary in advance. Republicans as well as a good chunk of the press indulge themselves in naming his term in office as the worst they can remember. As usual, they choose to […]

Donald Trump show the state of politics

July 4, 2015


Miami Herald’s Andres Oppenheimer seems to be outraged by the lack of outrage among Trump’s fellow Republicans after his absurd tirade against immigrants from Mexico. I have no doubt about Andres’ sincerity in his indignation with the passive reception given to the clown’s racist outbursts and, worse than that, his rising popularity. What I doubt […]

Obama meets Castro

April 12, 2015


Defrosted Tango!

December 21, 2014


A last minute interpretation of the fall of the other invisible Wall of the Cold War era.

The Washington paradox

November 21, 2014


Here’s the biggest irony of Tuesday’s mid-term elections: the U.S. government will continue demanding that Mexico, Colombia and other countries fight the marijuana trade as part of its “war on drugs,” while Washington voters have just approved making pot legal in the U.S. capital. I’d add to another irony: as fewer people goes to ballots […]

Snowden, from villain to heroe?

January 3, 2014


The New York Times  (in an Editorial column, no less) says Edward Snowden “has done his country a great service”. The so-called father of the WWW, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, also praises Mr. Snowden’s whistleblowing “has become an important part of the effort to protect the Internet and his concept of the open Web.”

Spy vs Spy

November 14, 2013


The Snowden case picked up last month around the “outrageous” scandal of NSA’s wiretapping of friends and allies. As Nancy Becar of AP points out, there’s not a sacred ground to the intelligence business.  Not even between best friends, as Niccolo Machiavelli made it clear many centuries ago. True, moral outrage and public hypocrisy is […]

The Castro vs USA soap-opera

November 1, 2013


The ritual repeat itself every year: the United Nations condemn the American blockade on Cuba (only USA and Israel disagree). The USA government invoke the lack of democracy in Cuba while goes to feed the starving people of the “democratic” North Korea regime and buy tons of electronics from the “democratic” Chinese regime. And from […]

Chile: a nightmare 40 years old

September 10, 2013


40 years ago on 9/11 the bloody coup of general Pinochet (with the help of the White House, Corporate America and the Neocons) against the constitutional president of Chile, Salvador Allende, inaugurated the worst period of Imperialistic rule in South America. As an Argentinian who lived that nightmare I want to shout out to my […]

The panda & the bald eagle

August 23, 2013


Some say China has overtaken US in global commerce. Not just in such regions like Africa and Latin America in search of a better treatment from its partners. But also in places like S. Korea. Other say that the star of the rising markets like the BRIC is dwindling and China is about to crash […]

Snowden’s orwellian nightmare

August 14, 2013


In the last New York Review, James Bamford notes that the sales of “1984”, the classic dystopian novel by George Orwell, soared within days after Edward Snowden handed the NSA documents to the public. It seems that the implications of a policial State were immediately clear for its citizens. But Bamford himself tries to cool […]

Latino Power is on the march

November 11, 2012


  Obama’s re-election seems to mark a turning point in American politics. A new coalition of empowered minorities (Latinos, blacks, gays and others usually regarded as “liberal-oriented”) defeated the old “white-anglo-man” dominance epitomized by the Tea Party conservatives. “No U.S. presidential candidate in coming years will be able to turn his back on Hispanics” writes […]