Browsing All posts tagged under »Science«

Lula’s Brazil is on the rise, but…

September 30, 2010


Brazil’s momentum under incumbent president Lula Da Silva feeds the dreams to become a major international player in a short time. Oppenheimer warns of the need to be humble about the long way to travel in education and science fields to turn the dreams actual facts. He  stress the “constructive paranoia” of China and India […]

Grigori Perelman, misfit genius?

June 7, 2010


Since the dramatic John Nash’s history got filmed in “A beautiful mind”, the topic of the “misfit genius” became one of the preferred by the mass media. And the disconcerting Russian mathematician Perelman fits the mould. After a a precocious ascendent career in Europe and USA, he  turned down some unique academic offers in 1995 […]