Browsing All posts tagged under »Trump«

Trump’s Trade Wars

October 25, 2018


Since the end of the Cold War there is a big quest for a replacement to the “Spectre of Communism” as a stimulus to the economy. Speculative investment in “dot coms”or real sate showed its limits with great bursts. Globalization became good for the financial capìtal but not so for an industrial infraestructure less competitive. […]

Donald Trump show the state of politics

July 4, 2015


Miami Herald’s Andres Oppenheimer seems to be outraged by the lack of outrage among Trump’s fellow Republicans after his absurd tirade against immigrants from Mexico. I have no doubt about Andres’ sincerity in his indignation with the passive reception given to the clown’s racist outbursts and, worse than that, his rising popularity. What I doubt […]